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Why We Get Sick: The Hidden Epidemic at the Root of Most Chronic Disease - and How to Fight It

Published: at 02:30 PM


Hello, fellow book lovers! I’m Alice, an avid reader with a passion for exploring diverse genres and sharing my thoughts on the books I encounter. In this blog, I aim to provide honest, in-depth reviews that not only summarize the content but also delve into the reading experience, themes, and overall impact of each book. Today, I’m excited to discuss “Why We Get Sick” by Benjamin Bikman PhD, a groundbreaking work that sheds light on the hidden epidemic of insulin resistance and its connection to chronic diseases.

Book Details

Book Cover


In “Why We Get Sick,” Benjamin Bikman, an internationally renowned scientist and pathophysiology professor, explores the alarming prevalence of insulin resistance and its link to various chronic diseases. Bikman argues that insulin resistance is a common root cause of conditions such as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes, affecting millions worldwide. He presents evidence to support this claim and offers an effective plan to reverse and prevent insulin resistance, empowering readers to take control of their health.

Reading Experience

Reading “Why We Get Sick” was an eye-opening experience. Bikman’s writing style is engaging and accessible, making complex scientific concepts easy to understand for a general audience. The book is well-paced, with each chapter building upon the previous one, gradually unraveling the mystery of insulin resistance and its far-reaching implications. Bikman’s passion for the subject shines through, making the reading experience both informative and enjoyable.

Themes and Messages

The central theme of “Why We Get Sick” is the importance of understanding and addressing insulin resistance as a root cause of chronic diseases. Bikman emphasizes that by recognizing and reversing insulin resistance, we can prevent and even reverse many of the health challenges we face today. He also highlights the role of nutrition and lifestyle choices in managing insulin resistance, providing practical advice and meal suggestions to support optimal health.

Comparison and Context

”Why We Get Sick” stands out in the health and wellness genre by offering a fresh perspective on the interconnectedness of chronic diseases. While many books focus on specific conditions, Bikman takes a holistic approach, revealing the common thread that ties them together. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in preventive health and understanding the underlying mechanisms of disease.


”Why We Get Sick” is a groundbreaking work that challenges conventional thinking about chronic diseases and offers hope for a healthier future. Benjamin Bikman’s well-researched and compelling arguments make a strong case for addressing insulin resistance as a key strategy for preventing and reversing many of the health challenges we face today. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking to understand their health better and take proactive steps towards wellness. Whether you are dealing with a chronic condition or simply want to optimize your health, “Why We Get Sick” provides valuable insights and practical guidance.

Rating: 5/5 stars
